Human Detection Systems

It took some time for Ves to regain his composure. Although there was no harm in dreaming big, every ambition introduced a lot of risks. The greater the ambition, the greater the potential setbacks.

Normally, Ves would shove his ambitious ideas to the back of his mind because he was already preoccupied with other priorities.

He was reluctant to do so this time.

"I already have the spiritual fragment of the Unending One for months and it's just collecting dust in my vault. When will I ever get to do something with this prize? It's too valuable to keep it in storage!"

He also had a bunch of other spoils of war that he needed to make use of somehow. Most notably, it would be very helpful for him to study the remains of the Charlemagne, the Jeanne D'Arc and the Scarra for his upcoming expert mech design projects.