Monument to Folly

Ves and Gloriana regarded the NuMan biomech in a completely different light once they listened to its backstory. Even their two cats had stopped playing around.

The NuMan was not a mech at all! The as-of-yet-unnamed designer who developed this abomination did not have mech pilots in mind at all. Instead, he willfully ignored the rules of his profession and broke all kinds of taboos in a bid to preserve his life!

Ves couldn't imagine what kind of mindset a highly-accomplished biomech designer adopted to bring himself to come up with such an extreme plan. Apparently, it wasn't enough to develop a clone. The biomech designer in question wanted to fashion a body that towered over people just like other mechs!

"Do you think the designer of the NuMan is crazy?" Master Werther Cline looked straight into the NuMan's dull eyes. "Do you think that the rest of the biomech industry hasn't thought about transplanting their minds in similar bodies?"