Imon's Request

Imon Ingvar and Casella Ingvar had grown apart from each other ever since they took on different roles in the clan.

While they both had something in common by becoming expert candidates at the same time, they rarely trained together.

Imon was just an honored member of the Avatars of Myth while Casella Ingvar had become the leader of the Living Sentinels.

He was happy for her sister's opportunity. Ever since the new Sentinel Commander took office, he mostly heard good stories about her. Despite her greater strength, she showed considerably more care and attention for her subordinates. That was something that the Sentinels rarely experienced from Commander Magdalena back when she was in charge.

That was the extent of his interest in her sister's new job. He was not cut out to be a leader. He got way too excited in battle to spare any attention on commanding his troops or keeping an eye on the bigger picture.