

Lucky flew up to Vivian Tsai and offered up his back for petting and stroking.

The shipwright couldn't resist the cuteness. She grinned and put down her data pad to play with the gem cat.

"You're not as hard and cold as I thought. What is this unusual material? I've never encountered anything like it before. I would love to find out where to get some."

Ves ruefully smiled as he sat down on the chair opposite to Vivian's desk. "You won't be able to find it anywhere else. Lucky is quite a unique existence."

Though Ves hadn't met with Vivian a lot, she already looked more comfortable in her own skin than before. Despite her relatively junior age and experience, she occupied a high position within the hierarchy of the clan.

Being thrust in a position of great responsibility always changed people. Fortunately, Vivian successfully stepped up and managed to organize an entirely new department within the Military Bureau.