Different Characteristics

The initial moves made by the two mech pilots betrayed their inclinations.

Captain Alazar Ipsich was a cautious mercenary officer who had survived many sticky situations. Recklessness was not in his blood. As someone in charge, he had a responsibility to lead his subordinates well and avoid putting them in a position where their lives could easily be lost.

Therefore, Ipsich favored making the best use of his time. Since there was no rule that stated that he had to launch an attack immediately, he wanted to maintain distance from his opponent in order to assess the situation further.

To a grizzled veteran mech officer like Ipsich, acting without information was a quick way to end a mercenary mech pilot's career!

His opponent adopted a different mindset.

As a former mech athlete who fought plenty of competitive matches, Kelly Gidon knew that the usual rules of the battlefield did not necessarily apply to the dueling ring!