Just Relax

Unexpectedly, Dr. Nigel Redmont hadn't died!

The biomech designer who recently joined the Larkinson Clan only to betray its trust should have been killed. The trial was real, the clansmen's hatred towards the traitor was real and Ves truly spilled blood at the execution stage.

Yet despite the very realistic show that took place in front of everyone's eyes, not everything that took place was actually real!

"It doesn't take much stagecraft to present a convincing illusion to our audience." Ves calmly explained as he walked closer to the befuddled and very much alive traitor. "I ordered a few doctors to clone a convincing copy of your body. The brains, organs and all of that complicated stuff doesn't have to be grown, so we easily got it ready by the time of your trial."

He didn't have to explain any further. Projection technology was so sophisticated that it could easily camouflage a body swap.