Tiny Swords

Five black-coated Diligent Mark XXIV's thundered forward and clashed against five identical mechs, only this time coated in dark yellow!

The arena grounds shook as the combined tonnage of ten second-class swordsman mechs maneuvered around each other in order to find the right angle to strike.

Every mech pilot that had managed to make it through the grueling virtual preliminaries possessed skill that was already above average.

Those who seriously aimed to compete in the main phases of the tournaments made thorough preparations in order to compete.

Not only did they invest a lot of practice time in piloting mechs that were similar to the Diligent Mark XXIV, they also specifically formulated a set of tactics that made the most out of what everyone considered to be a fairly limited mech model.

The key to making it to the finals mech combat tournaments was to draw out the full potential of the Diligent mechs!