Swish Swish

It made no sense.

That was what Ketis thought after reading and skimming through Venerable Trey Walinski's scriptures.

Obviously, the deceased Heavensworder expert pilot was not a scientist. Yet every decent mech pilot had to study at least some level of physics in order to gain an essential understanding on how mechs actually worked and how to fight in various environments.

Mech pilots who understood not just how, but why mechs that moved faster always consumed more energy faster would always be able to manage their energy reserves better.

Mech pilots who understood the basics of orbital mechanics and knew the difference between acceleration and velocity would be able to maneuver much more skillfully in space.

Mech pilots who understood the concept of heat capacity and knew how rapidly a mech dispersed its heat in vacuum, air and water environments would be able to keep their mechs cooler.