Expert Mech Duelist

"How are you doing, sister?" Brutus Wodin asked as he entered her shared stateroom aboard the Spirit of Bentheim.

Her expression said it all. The continued absence of her husband did not put Gloriana in a good mood. While she knew what she was getting into after marrying a known daredevil, she never expected that the reality would be so bad!

"Miaoooow." Clixie cutely rolled on her lap and attempted to distract Gloriana.

The young wife sighed and ran her hand across Clixie's belly. "It's not easy being in my position. The antics of Ves aside, there are a lot of expectations on me. Our parents, our dynasty and even the Hexadric Hegemony think we can make miracles."

"You did set a pattern for them, sister. The Blessed Squire, the Valkyrie Redeemer and now the latest batch of Hexer mechs you designed with Ves is making the rounds. From what I've heard, the soldiers of our state are finding creative uses for your Cherub, Devious and Bright Boy designs."