Exclusive Research

Ves was certain that Master Willix and the rest of her following weren't impressed by the welcoming ceremony organized by the Larkinsons.

The second-class mechs fielded by the Larkinsons and their allies probably looked like toys compared to the fancy first-class multipurpose mechs the mechers usually handled.

Indeed, when Ves carefully studied the expressions of the twenty mech pilots that he was supposed to kick into shape, the highly-trained men and women did not show any indication of awe.

They were professional though. Even if none of them thought much of the space peasants, the MTA mech pilots still acted in a manner befitting a member of one of the greatest authorities in the galaxy.

In fact, they didn't actually have to act in such a prim and proper manner anymore. The fact that they had exchanged their MTA uniforms for very ordinary civilian clothing meant that they were not here in an official capacity.