Purnesse Family

As Ves and Calabast spoke about serious matters, Lucky leisurely sniffed around as he moved across the office. He smelled plenty of interesting devices in the office. 

"The Grand Loxic Republic is a prosperous state, but one that has not seen much war as Winged Serenade does not see much open warfare." Calabast patiently explained. "That has caused a lot of contradictions to accumulate over time. The unexpected outbreak of the Crown Uprising has inflamed the existing tensions and frayed the nerves of every faction. Just recently, the crown terrorists managed to blow up the official estate of the Loxic President, killing both him, his family, his closest staff and many other officials who controlled the affairs of the state. The sudden beheading has left a large power vacuum at the top and prompted many organizations and factions to vie for power. If you want to understand the roots of this conflict, you will need to learn about the three main factions."