Choose Your Friends

When the Larkinson Clan, the Glory Seekers and the Cross Clan reached the Red Ocean, they had to make a lot of difficult choices.

The decision to join one of the major regional alliances was one of the most crucial ones.

Rejecting one of the three major alliances meant cutting themselves off to a lot of powerful contacts. The Larkinsons really couldn't afford to make this decision even though Ves was attracted by the lack of entanglements.

Even though Ves really wanted to keep his clan completely free of outside commitment, that was wholly unrealistic.

"The Red Ocean is a region that is in flux." Shederin explained. "The advantage of that is that no one has claimed all of the turf in the dwarf galaxy. The downside is that the star systems outside of the direct supervision of the Big Two are absent of order. Anything can happen over there and those without friends become very tempting targets to those with malicious intentions."