Questionable Value

Ves had become sick of Hexer ships.

He did not think they were bad. Most ships in the Larkinson fleet originated from the Hexadric Hegemony. If Ves ignored the Hexer penchant for incorporating hexagons everywhere they could get away with, the ships built by the female supremacists were quite solid and reliable.

This was not difficult to imagine if Ves imagined the Hexer shipwrights as different versions of Gloriana. The citizens of the Hegemony might possess an irrational and unreasonable bias against males, but there was nothing wrong with their technical capabilities.

  Still, the Larkinsons already possessed more than enough Hexer vessels. Even though most of them would probably be scrapped or sold when they reached the beyonder gate, the Spirit of Bentheim was still unmistakingly a Hexer-built starship.

Shederin Purnesse clearly noticed the dilemma that Ves was in. He decided to offer his own thoughts.