Blinding Banshee

Calabast's request put a different spin on things. The leader of the Black Cats rarely issued any requests these days. It was quite exceptional for her to take the initiative to barge into his discussion and issue a clear demand.


"Don't bother with weaseling around this time." Calabast ruthlessly cut him off. "You just want to delay time so you can think over your decision. Let me tell you that you can just skip that and leave the thinking to me. I have already weighed all of the pros and cons and have made my judgement. We have to add this ship to our fleet lineup. She might not look as large and intimidating as the other vessels, but she is exactly the ship our Black Cats need to safeguard our clan from the dark!"


The more Calabast insisted on purchasing the Blinding Banshee, the more hesitant he became!