A Friendly Mediation

Gillian Semdam, one of the richest entrepreneurs of the Pelsa Ryndover Star System, looked grave.

He waved his bodyguards and assistants aside as he entered his penthouse office at the top floor of the headquarters of Semdam & Sons.

His teal business suit accented with purple patterns usually instilled him with a lot of confidence. After all, not every businessman could pull off his look without looking silly.

He used to wear more earthy colored outfits in the past. Back when S&S was still a smaller player, he rarely sought to attract attention to himself.

All of that changed once S&S was vaulted to the top. The market and the competition held different expectations towards the market leader of a sector. Gillian Semdam not only accomplished this transition, but also managed to avoid the fate of his predecessors by performing a careful balancing act!