Ineffectual Response

The expeditionary fleet began to move. While it moved away from the large dwarven combat fleet that had just arrived in the Fordilla Zentra System, the vessels did not engage their propulsion systems at full strength.

The ships of the Larkinson Clan, Glory Seekers and Cross Clan made it clear that they weren't running away per se. Instead, they wanted to build up a measure of motion and make sure their dwarven pursuers didn't barrel down on them with high speed.

According to the calculations, the expeditionary fleet's maneuvers would delay the interception by half an hour to an hour, which was enough to button down the ships and affix more improvised hull plating on their surfaces.

This time, the expeditionary fleet no longer bothered to play stupid. The actions of the Golden Skull Alliance made it clear that it has already figured that the Ferril Province came with hostile intentions.