Artillery Duel

An artillery duel could last several minutes at the shortest but could also stretch on for several days in the more extreme cases. It all depended on how willing either side wanted to close the distance and how long their hardware and supplies could endure the consumption.

The way that bunkers and compatible heavy artillery mechs were designed played a huge role in how long a side could persist. The Transcendent Punisher model was designed with Hexer technical specifications in mind and that made it a good fit for all of the Hexer-built vessels.

However, several minutes into this destructive exchange of fire, it became clear that the Slug Rangers were even better at this kind of ranged attrition warfare!

"The bunkers of the enemy vessels are at least 23 percent more damage resistant than ours."

"The heavy artillery mechs are mounted on movable platforms that can rapidly be pulled to the rear in the event a bunker has been breached."