Light Mech Blues

Venerable Tusa Billingsley-Larkinson looked upset. He did not feel great as of late.

This was strange as there were plenty of reasons for him to be happy about. He was steadily becoming a stronger and more proficient expert pilot. His bond with the Dark Zephyr had grown closer. He was a prominent member of a clan that had finally begun to explore the Red Ocean in earnest.

Then why did he feel anything but comfortable with himself?

"What's the matter, Tusa?"

Ranya sat in front of a vanity mirror and adjusted her green, leaf-like hair. It was her most distinctive and exotic feature. When she let it out, it immediately became obvious to anyone that she was quite far removed from ordinary humans.

Though most people would have felt disturbed at coming too close to someone whose hair began to resemble plants, Tusa never cared that much. He found it to be a wonderful expression of freedom.