Possible Revival


Aurelia giggled and gurgled as Ves lifted his baby and played with her for a time.

"Do you want a kiss from daddy, Aurelia?"


"You do? Here I come, then!"


The emotional and spiritual bonds between them had grown to impressive levels. At this stage of her life, Aurelia became cognizant enough to interact with people in a more complex fashion than before.

Ves really felt that she was starting to remember what he said, though that might be his father's bias at work.

Whatever the case, he enjoyed spending time with his baby even more. Even though she still cried on a regular basis, she always injected a lot of joy in his heart.

He didn't even want to start his work day without making her laugh!

Her happiness directly boosted his happiness as well. Ves found that whenever he started his work day in a delighted mood, his productivity always soared.