Jannzi's Contrition

Moments before the revived and altered spirituality of Titania reached out to Ves, two different expert pilots talked among themselves.

"So you finally decided to commit to Ketis." Jannzi transmitted to Joshua through a private communication channel.

"I did." Joshua warily answered. "What of it? Do you disapprove?"

"No. I'm happy for you, actually."


Jannzi frowned. "Why do you react this way? Can't I wish you well?"

"Well, I thought…"

"Just because I disagree with your stances doesn't mean that I dislike you as a person. We just weren't cut out together. Though we're no longer a couple, we are still Larkinsons and fellow comrades-in-arms. I will defend you against enemy threats just as much as other clansmen."

"That… is welcome to hear. I… will do the same for you. Our clansmen matter the most. Whatever we had between us shouldn't get in the way of defending our people."