Second Skin


Aurelia crawled and giggled as she chased after Clixie.

Whenever she was energetic, she just loved to explore anything that caught her attention. Clixie and in particular her tail endlessly fascinated the little designer baby.

While Ves completely tunnel-visioned on the Minerva Project, Aurelia was left to roam around as she wished, within limits.

Though Ves hadn't overhauled his design studio into pastel colors like his wife had done for hers, he made sure to implement sufficient safety precautions.

That along with the watchful cats allowed him to feel assured that his daughter wouldn't bump her head against a cabinet or something.

"Waaaa! Bhwaaa!" Aurelia excitedly cried as her surprisingly swift and vigorous body was gaining on Clixie.


The Rubarthan Sentinel Cat pretended to be tired and slowed down just enough for the little girl to grab her tail.