The Case of the Missing Shares

Ves knew that he had neglected the business operations of the Larkinson Clan a bit too long, but he did not regret his choices.

Given the clan's many assets and profitable cash cows, it was not a big deal to go further into debt. The Yem-Tar Trade and Commerce Bank had treated the Larkinson Clan rather generously so far and Ves did not expect that to change.

That didn't mean it was healthy to let this situation persist. According to the latest reports, the Living Mech Corporation's lack of activity slowly caused its brand to erode.

While its mechs were still useful to many different customers, they were no longer hot now that the novelty had long worn off. Many people found ways to deal or mitigate the impact of the glows of living mechs and the benefits of piloting living mechs in the long-term were not well-known.