Toying With Insects

The final glow the Everchanger imitated was that of the Ferocious Piranha.

The Ferocious Piranha's glow was quite complex because it consisted of a compound between the glows of Zeiga, Lufa and Qilanxo.

While Ves was easily able to engineer a stable balance when he designed the original Ferocious Piranha model, It was a bit more challenging for the Everchanger to replicate this scheme.

Still, this wasn't the first time the Everchanger replicated the glow of the Ferocious Piranha. Venerable Joshua and his expert mech had utilized it before in previous live practice sessions.

Once it learned the knack to balancing the glows of three design spirits at once, it only needed a few seconds to formulate the compound glow.

Everyone who had been paying attention to this experiment looked closely in order to see how the Everchanger was able to affect the voribugs this time.