Living Larks

"Why am I even thinking about this? This Titania Coin is too risky!"

There was no logical reason to turn a totem dedicated to a former alien astral beast into a coin!

Ves could not fully fathom how such a coin would influence its holders. Whatever the case, he did not think it would lead to anything good.

He resolutely scrapped this design without any further entanglement. As long as he identified a severe risk factor, there was no need to consider the coin any further. Ves had plenty of alternatives and had the luxury of choice.

The next coin in his consideration was a totem based on one of his earliest but also his most dependable design spirit.

As far as intelligence and sophistication went, the Solemn Guardian probably ranked at the bottom.

"That's not necessarily bad, though."

The Solemn Guardian only really had one job and that was to inspire loyalty and duty in other people.