Variant Creatures

Only a handful of blue fish-whales had already managed to breach the defensive line earlier.

Now, seventeen of them had emerged from the portal at once. From the way they spread out and took control over their lesser brothers, it looked like they were preparing to launch the same attack run!

"The blue ones are much stronger than the white ones! We can't let them go through with their charges!"

"What are our ranged mechs doing?! Shoot them down already!"

"We can't! There are too many white bodies in the way!"

Hundreds of ranged mechs were trying to land their attacks on the blue fish-whales, but aside from a few rare exceptions, each of their attacks fell far short!

While the white fish-whales were not that big and tough compared to an actual mech, they were still solid enough to absorb pretty much every ranged attack trying to pass through their bodies.