Great Appreciation

Ves felt more and more at ease as Master Termaneo Dervidian continued to show him around.

The Master did not hide his appreciation for Ves nor show too much arrogance or condescension.

This should not be a surprise to Ves. He had long exceeded the scope of a regular Journeyman. The capabilities he had shown along with the innovations he made already marked him out as a successful and productive inventor.

The MTA loved inventors!

Although there were a huge number of mech designers in the mech industry, only a miniscule proportion of them succeeded in making breakthroughs that could even arouse the interest of the upper echelon of the Mech Trade Association.

How could the mechers possibly present a dismissive or even insulting attitude towards these gems?

Indigenous or not, Ves had already gained the qualifications to be treated in a more serious and thoughtful manner by the MTA!