Salivating Reward

Although Master Dervidian was an annoying older gentleman who tried to push his Transhumanist ideals a bit too eagerly, to Ves the mecher had suddenly turned into the spirit of charity at this time!

With just a couple of sentences, Master Dervidian settled the matter of remuneration and compensation in a verdict that clearly favored Ves and the Golden Skull Alliance!

Aside from escaping any culpability for any alleged crimes and misdeeds that the alliance had committed, the Larkinson Clan and its allies were also entitled to the full MTA merit value of the phasewater that they had to submit!

Though the MTA acted a bit domineering by forcing the Golden Skull Alliance to surrender the vast majority of phasewater that its task force had plundered from Purgatory's natives at great risk and danger, Ves did not truly mind giving that much phasewater away.

He was well aware that holding over 2 metric tons of phasewater at any time was just asking for trouble!