Incompatible Identity

The revelations from Ves and Joshua completely flabbergasted the Aducs.

Matriarch Erexi Aduc and her three children looked so shocked and confused that they looked as if their cranial implants had crashed.

The Old Lady was the greatest treasure and heirloom of the Aduc Family. From the beginning, The Aducs took extremely good care of her. As proficient terraformers, they also excelled in botany and other related fields. They consistently made sure that the oak tree was able to grow under the most healthy conditions possible without resorting to artificial means that could taint her growth.

There was never a time when the Aducs had deliberately neglected or mistreated the Old Lady in any way. They had installed many safety measures such as energy shields and air filtration systems around the tree to make sure that no possible accident or attack could disturb her growth and existence.