Cutthroat Frontier

Normally, the Green Sanctum served as a refuge for the members of the Aduc Family.

The biome that the Aducs reverently set up in the center of their terraforming capital ship not only served as their secular temple, but also gave them a close simulation of life on Old Earth.

The Green Dream was not the first big terraforming vessel utilized by the Aduc Family. The Green Sanctum housed within her hull was also not unique.

Nevertheless, the Aduc Family, who often resided on various starships for months if not years on end due to the nature of their work, could never function properly if they could not immerse themselves in a natural, Earth-like environment.

During the times when the workers of Gaia Worldcrafting Services had been assigned to terraform an alien planet, such precious environments might be many light-years away from their postings!