Another Old Fogey

"It turns out that Seniors and Masters aren't so stupid and gullible after all." Ves remarked as he finally understood the most important intricacies of the draft agreement.

The short version of the story was that the Voikens were willing to pass on 20 percent of the earnings of their law enforcement mech ecosystem in exchange for a lot of guarantees.

Just as the Larkinson Clan did not want to get taken advantage of by the Voiken Family, the Voikens also did not want to partner up with the Larkinsons only to raise their future competitor in the same market space!

Every negotiation was an intricate dance. This was especially the case concerning a big deal with major, long-term economic interests.

Ves found that both sides of the negotiation table prioritized different demands. The Larkinsons were more concerned about maximizing their advantages while the Voikens aimed to minimize any negative consequences as much as possible.