Subsidized Travel

"So… can you help me get my hands on more P-stones?"

"I will see what I can do, Ves." Jovy said as he used his implant to scan through the documents and data that Ves had sent via his comm. "It will be difficult to meet your request if your hypothesis about the Nyxian Gap being the sole source of P-stones turns out to be true. I don't know how much you pay attention to the star sector that you have left, but the entire region is embroiled by war."

Ves nodded. He bet that his understanding of the Nyxian War was much greater than that of Jovy. After all, not everyone was privileged to receive a first-hand account of the battles that took place over there from one of the principal combatants of the Oblivion Empire!

"Even if our organization can get our hands on a P-stone, shipping them all the way over to Davute is not a cheap process. We may control all of the beyonder gates, but that doesn't mean we can ignore the cost of using all of them in succession."