Industry Standard

Ves experienced a time of pure bliss as he readied himself for bed.

His cute little daughter snuggled in the middle of the queen-sized bed of his shared bedroom with Gloriana.

His wife was lying on the other side of the bed. She softly kissed and cooed Aurelia in order to help her fall asleep faster.

It was tiny moments like these that Ves felt more happy and satisfied than ever. Even though he couldn't direct as much attention to Aurelia as he wished, he still cherished every little moment of his offspring's childhood.

Fatherhood was both stressful and magical to him. He started to understand his own father Ryncol a lot more now that he had a kid of his own. There were times where Ves would literally wish to sacrifice everything in his life just to ensure Aurelia's happiness.

As Ves thought about taking his daughter on another excursion, his wife finally broke the pleasant silence.

"I interviewed a number of smart armor developers today."