Black Kitty

One of the more interesting aspects about Andraste was her companion spirit.

Just like Aurelia, Andraste's other half was a spiritual kitten as well.

"Yaika, can you go outside so I can take a look at you? I need to inspect your growth stage and see whether you have developed in a healthy direction."


Little Andraste, who was wearing a cute yellow onesie, stared up at her father with no sign of comprehension at all. She was still far too young to understand human speech.

Even if she was a bit older, she still wouldn't have understood what Ves was trying to convey. Though Andraste was a designer baby whose genes imparted greater intelligence and learning capabilities to her, her overall design direction was different from that of her older sister.

Aurelia had been bioengineered to become an excellent and charismatic leader. Her brain development heavily leaned towards increasing her social skills and other related skills.