Contemplating New Possibilities

As Ves thought a bit more about the sixth upgrade track that the seemingly generous System proposed to him, he began to harbor doubts about the suitability of this choice.

"You're called the Mech Designer System, not the Strongest Warrior System. Is it truly appropriate for you to propose that I should use you to become an unparalleled fighter? This is the Age of Mechs! No matter how strong I become, there is no point for me to enter the battlefield by myself. Every significant battle is fought with mechs and warships these days!"

He had a creeping suspicion that if he chose this upgrade path, he would forever turn the System away from its original purpose of helping its user become a better mech designer.

As Ves considered himself a mech designer above all else, this sounded like an awful proposition. He would potentially burn his bridges and completely lose access to the functions that initially helped him get up to speed in his mech design career.