Untapped Market

Ves still hadn't made up his mind on which upgrade track he should choose.

His discussions with Calabast, the Crossers and the Glory Seekers had caused him to swing towards Mech Pilot Cultivation.

His recent talk with Director Pesca Aduc shed new light on the value and the utility of Spiritual Ascension.

As much as Ves liked the idea of upgrading mech pilots with the help of brand-new System functions, he became even more enamored by the idea of expanding his spiritual engineering capabilities.

Ves was a creator by nature!

Philosophically, he believed that he could solve every problem as long as he built the right device or tool.

Even the matter of repairing or upgrading a person's genetic aptitude was not outside the realm of possibility. If Divine Hussain Albedo was able to do so by leveraging his willpower, then Ves believed that it was possible to develop a spiritual solution that could achieve similar results.