Transcendent Punisher Mark II

Though the shooting had begun over an hour ago, the intensity of the battle was not too great.

Not a lot of mechs were capable of dealing effective damage at longer ranges, and it was not that difficult to manage the incoming damage.

Ranged expert mechs such as the Amaranto hadn't even been put into play as of yet. Their firepower needed to be reserved against the greater threats of the Friday Coalition.

For now, the fight was predominantly fought by the lesser units of the two sides. The individual losses did not even register to the officers anymore as all of them understood that it was a numbers game.

Whoever ran out of mechs and lost all combat effectiveness first would lose this crucial engagement!

It took a lot of time to get to that point. The Fridaymen and the Hexers were well-versed with long campaigns that stretched across weeks or months of constant fighting.