
"Is this the future of the Friday Coalition?" Tristan Wesseling asked in a hollow tone.

"Power struggles are always messy." Perla Monater said as she stepped up to Tristan's back. "In some cases, the only way to save the lives of the people you care about is to take the lives of others. You know the score, Tristan. The Hexers are no longer the greatest threat to the Friday Coalition. Even if the Hex Federation eventually manages to overwhelm our colonies in the Magair Middle Zone, our home state in the old galaxy will still be safe and sound. At most, we will have to start over and invest in another colonial state in a different zone in the Red Ocean. The more acute threat to our state is the enemy from within. If the Gauge Dynasty's rise cannot be curbed, then the balance will be broken. Do you think that Carnegies such as you and Master Katzenberg will be able to retain your positions in our state?"