Gentle Reminder

Ves expected to receive a confidential call from Master Dervidian or another representative of the Transhumanist Faction.

After all, he had corresponded the most with the Transhumanists in the past few years. Much of his work regarding the transcendence glow and other spiritual projects was of paramount importance to the mechers whose goal was to enable human ascension.

However, the physical projection that showed up did not come in the form of a familiar-looking gray-haired man wearing a brightly colored tech suit over a lab coat.

Ves instead came face to face with an entirely new figure.

He quickly scanned the appearance of the new man.

At first, the projected individual did not look like a mech designer. His head was prominently bald and he wore an excellent tailored business suit.

The only unusual part about his appearance was that he wore a purple patterned cape over his shoulders.