Naughty Andraste

Casella and Imon Ingvar were hardly the only people who explored the strange ideals and practices of the Gemini Family.

Many other Larkinsons in the expeditionary fleet also began to get pulled into uncomfortable conversations.

It was as if the upcoming assault on the Palace of Shame took a backseat to discussing the merits of breaking the taboo on intimate relationships between siblings!

The discussion became so widespread that even the children started to overhear what the adults were talking about!

For example, when Marvaine was sitting in a playroom, one of his sisters hopped inside.

"Mar-Vaine~! There you are! What are you doing, little bro?"

Marvaine did not bother to turn around and look up. Instead, he continued to play with the animated exobeast plushies that continued to make all kinds of cute noises.