New Conclusions

A needle poked his arm.

At least, it attempted to. It met with an unreasonable amount of resistance, so much so that it had to exert lethal force before it ceased its attempt in order to prevent any possible accidents.

"You know what? I give up." Director Ranya Wodin exasperatingly said as she waved away the bots that had been trying and failing to take tissue samples.

"Do you believe me, now?" Ves innocently asked as he sat up from the examination table.

He felt awfully annoyed at being forced to wear a thin medical garment that completely failed to hide the innate charm of his newly evolved body.

Director Ranya did not even hide her fascination for his radical changes. No matter how much he employed his innate camouflage ability to hide how special he had become, it was primarily effective at hiding his insides from intrusive scans.

It did little to obscure the changes to his outward appearance.