Desirable Tech

Ves enjoyed a brief tour through the broken chunk of the Palace of Shame.

A lot of corridors and chambers had collapsed during the time when all of the mechs opened fire on the unclean whale.

Since the creature was imprisoned in the center of the asteroid base, there was no way to preserve the Palace of Shame.

This was regretful as the original structure used to be filled with a lot of charm and history.

Ves moved through collapsed corridors that had to be cleared and propped up by human visitors. He also passed through numerous messy halls where lots of aliens had died when their surroundings collapsed onto their bodies.

He could still spot plenty of personal touches despite the heavy damage to the environment.

An alien had painted a crude symbol against a wall that his implant automatically translated into a typical alien slur.

There were reasonably intact shops that still displayed the goods that they sold when they were open.