Alternative Form of Payment

Ves and Matriarch Rezzie Boojay continued to haggle the broad strokes of their agreement in the next ten minutes.

They debated on many different points and constantly made compromises in order to reluctantly satisfy both of their needs.

However, neither side wanted to walk away from this mutually beneficial deal so easily, so they kept pressing on in order to finalize a general framework of their agreement.

In the end, the Larkinson Clan ultimately agreed to bless a single ace mech-grade weapon and a single expert-grade mech weapon for the Boojay Family.

"I would be happy to upgrade the main weapon of the Royal Jeem as well as that of your high-tier expert space knight." Ves smiled like a salesman that had just closed a massive deal where he was bound to earn a lot of commission.

Matriarch Rezzie Boojay did not look entirely happy. "What of our expert missileer mech? Why are you unable to provide the same service to this machine?"