Little Squirt

"Auntie Ketis!"

"Oh hey, little girl."

Andraste slipped her tiny hand out of her father's grip and ran over to the edge of the sparring ring.

She pressed her cute nose against the safety screen as Ketis corrected the stance and repetitive sword motions of another woman by striking the limbs with a metal rod.

The strikes were hard and brutal, but the trainee endured the hits without releasing a grunt of pain.

Ves reached his daughter's position as he watched the ongoing spectacle with a bit of fascination.

It wasn't until Ketis stopped her corrective lesson a few minutes later that Ves finally opened his mouth.

"I didn't expect to see you here of all places, Jannzi."

"What I do with my time is not your concern, Ves."

The expert pilot in question glared at Ves but did not do much more. She was awfully winded and her entire body was covered with bruises.