Ghosts and Specters

When Ves read learned a bit about how the elite DIVA infiltrators managed to complete their challenging and risky sabotage missions with ease, he developed a new appreciation of covert operations.

Not every problem had to be solved by throwing a mech army at the enemy. It was impossible for him to use the Mars as a cudgel to bash in the heads of everyone who got in his way.

There were many times where confronting an adversary head-on amounted to a cure that was worse than the disease.

In such situations, the ability to solve a problem through finesse rather than brute force became a lot more valuable.

As much as the Black Cats had grown and expanded by an immense degree under Calabast's stewardship, the former Hexer was only human.

Setting up a network of informers and recruiting a lot of spies was not that difficult as long as the people in charge knew what they were doing.