Human Resistance

Lord Pearian had a strong premonition that he was about to die.

He didn't know why he suddenly felt that way, but his fears prompted him to put more strength in his prayers to this mysterious Helena!

"Oh, Daughter of Death, if you truly exist, please shelter me in your generous bosom and protect me from the ravages of death. If this alien vessel is about to blow up, then I ask you to keep this cell block in one piece so that I will be able to survive in the end. If I do manage to make it out, I will make sure to pray to you each and every standard day so that I will always be reminded of the grace that you have bestowed to me in my hour of greatest need!"

As Pearian sped up his words as if that would increase his appeal to a greater deity, his cell suddenly became engulfed by an ominous, semi-transparent wave of energy that sparked so much alarm inside of him that he almost felt as if his soul was to separate from his body!

"Ahhh! What is happening?!"