
After a lot of preparation work and dancing around, Davute finally decided that the time was right to open up a dialogue with the patriarch of the Larkinson Clan.

Ves had been waiting for this a long time. He had a strong suspicion that he would enter into an important talk with the future state centered around Davute. His recent tour through his clan's facilities along with the regular reports he received from his advisors strengthened this notion until it had become an absolute certainty in his mind!

He was expecting a visit from Madame Reina Kernsk any minute now. The Black Cats had kept careful track of her movements as she approached one party related to the Larkinson Clan after another.

If he didn't know any better, he would accuse Kernsk and the bigshot behind her of building an increasingly unescapable net around the Larkinson Clan!

It was a dastardly clever diplomatic approach and one that the clan could not easily counter.