The Other Secret Agent

"We must not show any mercy to the aggressors that seek to take over our colonies." President Yenames Clive continued to rail against the greatest threat of the Davute Project. "Karlach will remain an ever-present threat to our wealth, our possessions, our livelihoods and the future that you have promised to your descendants. Only by ending this threat on a permanent basis and taking custody of all of its colonies will we be able to safeguard our new homeland."

As the man of the hour continued to impress his audience upon the importance of eliminating Karlach as a threat, Ves no longer had the mind to think that much about what the president was saying.

He was much more concerned about the nature of the threat that would soon doom the lives of hundreds of people if not thousands of them in the coming minutes!

Despite how little time there was left for a possible attack to occur, Ylvaine still couldn't provide Ves with a lot of certainty.