
The large and expansive hall that was supposed to serve as the recreation and socialization area used to be a lot more pleasant in the distant past.

Though Ves had few clues of how it actually looked, Ves imagined that there used to be a lot more greenery and brighter colors.

The place was a means to reward and rehabilitate well-behaving phase lords. This was not easy as those delusional aliens all saw themselves as gods. They could be as bad as the members of the Five Scrolls Compact in that regard.

Nonetheless, Ves guessed that one of the reasons why the cells were designed to be so empty, monotonous and barren was to break the wills of unruly and overly inconsiderate phase lords.

Those nunsers, orvens and other aliens that had just succeeded in adding phasewater to their bodies must probably be full of themselves. They had already cleared the hardest hurdle and became insanely confident that they would be able to attain full godhood in time!