
Ves had always wondered how strong a companion spirit could become after undergoing many years of growth.

If nothing else, Irene Mox provided him with a fantastic opportunity to conduct a bastardized longitudinal study on this interesting research subject!

Though Ves had no way of monitoring the growth of Irene's new companion spirit at regular intervals in the following 2 centuries, it was already enough for him to be able to observe the difference in the far future.

Of course, that depended on whether Ves was able to observe enough clues from the Destroyer of Worlds once he returned to his present time. It might be a lot more difficult for him to complete this ambitious study than he wished.

Still, Ves strongly believed that granting Irene her own companion spirit would help her a lot, though he did not exactly know in what manner.

There were only two examples of companion spirits attached to human demigods before he jumped through the Time Gate.