The Hidden Stalker

Venerable Zimro Belson closed his eyes as he continued to operate his new expert mech.

He had been waiting to do this for a long time. It had been torture for him to spend all of those months as a newly advanced expert pilot without a suitable mech.

Though he got his practice in by piloting standard mechs and training with the MSTS, they failed to satisfy his needs.

Was all of that waiting worth the reward?

Hell yes!

It took a lot of effort for Venerable Zimro to suppress his bursting excitement and maintain an utterly cool and calm mindset.

He continued to resonate with the Phobos to the fullest. He specifically tapped the power of the Emdar Alloy that was integrated into the frame, enabling his expert stealth mech to enter into Silent Mode that suppressed all of his emissions by another measure!

This was crucial to keeping the Phobos near the large alien raiding fleet without getting detected all of this time!